A set of Motion Dragon 6DOF GT, a set of Belt Tension R and Tower for Belt Tension R were sent to the Russia
A set of Scorpion S and Traction Loss Actuator were sent to the Australia
A set of Scorpion S and Traction Loss Actuator were sent to the Australia
Upgrade platform double TL and Surge parts were shipped to the USA
Upgrade platform double TL and Surge parts were shipped to the USA
A set of Motion Dragon 6DOF GT was sent to the USA
A set of Motion Dragon 6DOF GT was sent to the USA
A set of Belt Tension R Pro and Tower for Belt Tension R Pro were sent to USA
A set of Belt Tension R Pro and Tower for Belt Tension R Pro were sent to USA
A set of Belt Tension R Pro was sent to the Belgium
A set of Belt Tension R Pro was sent to the Belgium
9 sets of Scorpion E and a set of Scorpion S were sent to the New Zealand
9 sets of Scorpion E and a set of Scorpion S were sent to the New Zealand